Can You Waterproof a Basement in the Winter?
Yes, basement waterproofing can be done in the winter, even in below freezing temperatures. Drainage systems can be installed in basements, and foundations can be repaired despite the cold outside. As an added bonus, winter is a great time to get waterproofing done because waterproofing companies generally don't have a backlog of work during this season.
Basements Can Leak in the Winter
Even in the winter, basements can leak. A frozen ground does not mean that water can’t enter your basement. Water can even come from sticky snow accumulation that sits and waits for temperatures to rise so it can melt.
Winter Can Cause Cracking

The cold weather in the North can cause pressure in the soil beneath the basement. This can lead to new cracks in your basement floor and walls, and those cracks can lead to water entering from runoff or high water tables.
Prepare for the Spring Melting Season
Getting a handle on your basement in the winter may be a better solution than waiting until damage comes to your home in warmer seasons when the snow melts. Winter may be the best time!
When the ground unfreezes, the snow will melt, turning ice and snow into water. This brings with it the same effect as a heavy rainfall.
The ground surrounding your house will take on all of that water that has been building up for 4+ months, and it could expand into your home if the drainage system is insufficient.
Mold Issues in the Winter
Damp or wet basements are breeding grounds for mold to arise. This can lead to unsafe living conditions and musty basements, even in the winter.
We Specialize in Winter Waterproofing
Our team of trained and experienced experts have a solution for just about any waterproofing issue, even in the cold winter months.
Quick Service Without the Backlog
Many people think that Winter is not the right time to do home repairs, however, it is actually one of the best. Hiring a professional crew in the Winter will bump you to the front of the line, which will allow your home to be serviced very quickly.
Professional work done and done as scheduled – a WOW job!
-Marion Garter
The crew went ‘way out’ on getting their job done.
-Nestle & Carole Grimes
Did the job on a timely scale.
-Arlyn & Gail Schellberg
Very impressed with the crew members.
-Gene and Kathy Kiefer