Myth #1: Newer Homes Do Not Need Basement Waterproofing
The age of your home does not dictate whether you need a basement waterproofing solution.
The same issues that arise with older homes (water level, heavy rains, yard grading, etc.) can also lead to problems in newer construction.
Myth #2: A Dehumidifier is Enough
Dehumidifiers can absolutely be helpful, and we even recommend it in some cases.
However, dehumidifiers will not be the be-all end-all solution for a lot of basement water issues.
Moisture can enter a basement and stay there even when a dehumidifier is present.
Myth #3: Basement Waterproofing Is Not Worth It
There are most definitely costs associated with basement waterproofing. There's no denial.
However, consider the cost ramifications if you don't waterproof your basement, and then flooding occurs.
The cost could be far greater and the damage more severe. Basement waterproofing is in fact worth it.
Myth #4: All Waterproofing Methods Are Equally Effective
There is not just one waterproofing method. There are an assortment of sources of basement leakage issues.
Each will require a specific solution.
For example, larger basement issues will typically require a drain tile system. Smaller issues may require holes to be drilled in the cement blocks but no excavation.
Myth #5: Mold Cannot Grow in Non-Flooded Basements
Surprising to many homeowners, mold can grow in seemingly low-moisture basements.
Once it starts to grow, it compiles and multiplies.
Myth #6: DIY Methods Work as Well as Professional Methods
Social media sites may have you believing that the solution to your leaky basement is a quick drive to your local hardware store and a do-it-yourself hack.
However, there are lots of situations that simply need a professional's touch.
Excavation is sometimes required (more on that later), and heavy equipment as well.
Myth #7: Basement Waterproofing is Just Sealing Cracks
The goal of waterproofing is not simply to keep 100% of water out of your home.
In fact, the French drain system is installed knowing that water will enter the basement, but also with the idea that it will be escorted out immediately.
Sealant can absolutely be a useful tool when used in the correct situations!
Myth #8: It Is Best to Wait Until There is a Problem Before Waterproofing
Pushing your basement waterproofing work off until a problem occurs is a bad idea.
First, you never know when flooding will occur.
Second, the cost and damage could be worse if you let it sit and wait for flooding to occur.
Myth #9: All Basement Waterproofing Requires Excavation
Some basement waterproofing solutions do in fact require excavation.
However, many people are surprised to hear that not all waterproofing solutions require excavation.
One example that we offer is the Dry-Up Baseboard, which we will use in certain scenarios.
Myth #10: All Home Insurance Policies Cover Waterproofing Expenses
Home insurance policies typically do not cover basement waterproofing.
Really?? Really.
This is considered a preventative maintenance measure, meaning that homeowners are responsible and expected to prevent the flooding by maintaining and servicing any issues that arise.
Myth #11: All Waterproofing Contractors Provide the Same Solutions
Not all waterproofing contractors provide the same solutions or the same customer service.
We've inspected basements that had unsuccessful waterproofing attempts many times.
Sometimes basement contractors will try to save a few bucks by using low quality materials and cutting corners.
This ends up hurting the homeowner later on down the road.
Myth #12: Sealants Will Fix All Your Basement Leakage Problems
There is a time and place for outside wall sealants to be used.
However, to assume that a sealant will fix your basement water problems is a misstep.
Moisture can still enter through other source even if sealant is applied.
Myth #13: Heavy Rains Are The Only Reason for Basement Flooding
Heavy rains are one of the most common causes of basement flooding.
But not all flooding occurs from heavy rains. Here are some other examples of leakage sources:
Myth #14: Waterproofing is Only For Homes Below Ground Level
Lots of homes above ground level will flood every year.
As mentioned before, the causes of basement waterproofing vary from home to home.
Poor construction or just a very heavy rainstorm can be the culprit.
Myth #15: Small Leaks Will Not Get Worse Over Time
We mentioned earlier that newer homes can be infiltrated by water.
However, it's not a coincidence that older homes are a bit more likely to have wet basement issues.
Foundations can wear down over time and small cracks in your floor and walls can increase in size.
Myth #16: It Is Cheaper to Fix Damage Than to Waterproof Now
This is wrong for multiple reasons.
First, you will still need to pay to fix the waterproofing issues after the damage occurs.
Second, you'll need to pay to replace whatever has been damaged.
Myth #17: It Is Too Late to Waterproof My Basement
Even older homes can be waterproofed. Some situations are trickier than others, but we do our best to put ourselves in your shoes and be as helpful as possible.